When I am my own best friend…
There are no bad hair days. The curls of my bed head fall just so. My outfits get a twirl in the mirror and wink of appreciation for my personal expression of style.
“Girl! Come on! I am so AH-MAY-ZING!” I say to myself.
I laugh at my jokes and witty humor. “That’s so silly! I love it!”, I guffaw. I create joy like a little fairy flitting over her precious garden. Just like Miley, I buy myself flowers. I put them in my favorite vase made by one of my favorite friends.
There is no one more kind and understanding than myself when I forget something at home and have to turn back to retrieve it.
People as awesome as me forget things sometimes.
I witness my generosity and kindness to others and beam with pride for my big heart. The hope l feel for the world and her people is a marvel. “We are all connected and can do this together!” I exclaim. I inspire myself with creative ideas, “ I mean, “Wow! WHO thinks of this stuff?”, and then flash my killer smile and flip my luscious hair.
“I do!”, I reply.
I am proud of my work ethic and integrity. My sharp mind can navigate vexing business challenges with the grace of a karate master. I only do for others when I can – not when I should. I make sure my needs are met and forgo obligation only helping with the fullest heart.
I have one glass of wine when dinner calls for it – not two. My body knows that in my 55th year, a second glass brings a headache. After long days when I’m weary, I pass on fast prepared food and cook a simple meal. Ah, just what these gorgeous curves deserve.
I respect myself and don’t second guess my decisions. I inquire, “Does this fill my cup? Is this what my heart wants?”. Life is too short not to listen to my sage advice.
My best friend skills are in the same league as Samwise Gangees from the Shire, Russell the best Junior Wilderness Explorer ever, Judy, Violet, and Doralee (aka Jane, Lily, and Dolly) and my dog Chester all wrapped into one human form that is me, myself and I.
Aren’t we all fantastic?
I spend time with those who feed my soul. In the evening, I set out for a stroll to visit my friend, Water. She calms my senses with the rhythmic sound of her waves washing ashore. On the way home, I opt for the path through the forest to see my friend, Tree. I tell them both how grateful I am to have them in my life. Friends should know how much you love them.
I love my best friend.
We lost sweet Chester after a cruel and deadly episode of pancreatitus. He fought so…
04 June, 2024As one chapter transitions to the next, it’s my friends who have my heart…
04 June, 2024
Emsia | 5th Jun 24
During my divorce, I have learned to be my own best friend. I have learned to take myself to the movies, treat myself with flowers and take myself for coffee. In yourself you discover a friend for life♥️