What We Wise Women Know

Like most of us in middle age and beyond, I believe I am much younger than my age. This fallacy reveals itself when I see or read about someone who is my age and I am certain that the person is older than me. It’s not about who looks older (or younger) rather, the way I perceive myself versus the reality. Much of my perception is based on my sense of humor, which is still quite sophomoric. In addition, since youth, I have possessed a view that my whole life is in front of me teeming with possibility! This orientation most likely causes me to lose track of time.

I may not recognize how old I really am, but I do recognize my wisdom. We all know that wisdom and age don’t necessarily correlate. I know plenty of wise young people. I was not one of them. My wisdom is hard won. Through all the ups and downs of life, I have earned my trust in myself by reflecting on my choices, examining my virtues, and trying to be intentional with what I have learned. 

With the start of this new year and all its possibilities, the wise woman I am knows that I don’t have to control situations and events to achieve my goals. Instead, I choose to trust the Universe to show me the way at the right time. Trusting timing by not creating a forced event to give the illusion of control conserves my energy. It’s also a sign of strength because it’s really hard. Wise me has finally gotten the knack. Plant the seeds, sister, do your life, they’ll sprout when they are ready.

The wise woman I am knows how to use energy. Feminine energy is receptive and reflective which is very useful when I may not be able to see exactly where I am headed. I navigate unsure waters knowing that a beautiful horizon awaits. I am a powerful co-creator of this Universe and when the time is right, I invoke masculine energy and take action with determination and focus. 

Wise women like me know that we can rest. I don’t always have to be producing something or helping someone to be of value. I am valuable when I make the choice to do nothing. Busy no longer comforts the ego – I’ve worked with it enough to know when to bring it to the fore. As a wise woman, I trust that all my needs will be met because I won’t accept any less.

This wise woman knows that the women who came before are to be revered because they paved the steep and formidable path up the mountain so the women after them could reach higher heights. As I climb, often two steps forward and one step back, I take the lessons I have learned and release their stories. They have no hold. We wise women know this.

It’s no wonder I don’t feel my age. I’m in a sisterhood of young at heart, fearless comfort zone breakers, discerning big-love givers, and never-giver-uppers. No number can capture that. Blessed be for all that we wise women know.

About The Author

Ellen McGinnis


  1. Emsia Goosen | 27th Jan 25

    I love your words of Wisdom and I know it has been earned through life’s experiences.

  2. Ellen McGinnis | 27th Jan 25

    Thank you, Emsia.

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